
Networking Event April: Ceramic Art

2024-04-04T13:23:23+02:0004/04/2024|Categories: Notícies, Tea or Coffee, Tea or Coffee for Adults|

The Networking Event of this month is related with ceramic art, and it is a way of connecting with yourself, your feelings and your creativity. Join us for this event where we'll paint and leave our personal imprint while sharing our experiences, our projects, our feelings and our opinions. The event will be hosted by [...]

Movie Casal Estiu 2024 per alumnes de la ESO

2024-04-04T13:19:44+02:0004/04/2024|Categories: Casal, Notícies, Tea or Coffee, Teens|

El Movie Casal és una activitat pensada per a alumnes de 1er a 4rt d'ESO, on fem jocs, redactem guions de cinema, els assagem, els gravem, muntem i finalment visualitzem. Tot en un entorn d’immersió total en anglès. Dates: De l'1 de juliol al 2 d'agost 2024 Com és el nostre Summer Movie Casal? Comencem [...]

Casal d’Estiu 2024 Infantil i Primària

2024-04-04T11:28:25+02:0004/04/2024|Categories: Casal, Kids, Kids Club, Notícies, Tea or Coffee|

SUMMER CASAL KIDS El Summer Casal s'ha renovat!  tematitzat entorn als 4 elements: l'aigua, la terra, el foc i l'aire. Amb més jocs i activitats dinàmiques i refrescants. Assabenta't de tota la informació relacionada amb l'edició que començarà aviat. Dates: Del dilluns 1 de juliol fins al divendres 2 d'agost Per a qui: desde I3 [...]

English Social Events

2024-03-12T12:54:44+02:0029/02/2024|Categories: Business Chat, Notícies, Tea or Coffee, Tea or Coffee for Adults|

Come and meet people from the neighbourhood and make connections in a fun and relaxed way. Improving English fluency and practicing through our Creative Networking Events is our new and improved project! And they’re open to students as well as non- students. Anyone who wants to connect with others in English, whether your objective is to practice the language in a social environment, make connections and practice English on a professional level, or meet people and get speaking on a personal level.

Sabies que pots llogar les aules i espais de Tea or Coffee School of English?

2024-02-29T16:48:45+02:0024/01/2024|Categories: About us, Business Chat, Kids, Notícies, Tea or Coffee, Tea or Coffee for Adults, Teens|

Necessites un espai on realitzar un taller o seminari, una reunió, una presentació o fer algun petit esdeveniment ? Tea or Coffee pot ser el teu espai ideal!

A Decade of Dreams: Celebrating 10 Years of Tea or Coffee School of English

2023-12-20T14:09:14+02:0020/12/2023|Categories: About us, Notícies|

A Decade of Dreams: Celebrating 10 Years of Tea or Coffee School of English Now that we are celebrating our 10 years and in these special dates... I've started to remember... How it all started...A decade ago, I embarked on a bold venture:Tea or Coffee School of English. I have never been afraid of taking [...]

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