Horaris d'atenció: Dilluns - Dijous: 9:30h - 19:30h i Divendres: 9:30h - 14:00h | 933.681.866|info@teaorcoffee.es

About us

Sabies que pots llogar les aules i espais de Tea or Coffee School of English?

2024-02-29T16:48:45+02:0024/01/2024|Categories: About us, Business Chat, Kids, Notícies, Tea or Coffee, Tea or Coffee for Adults, Teens|

Necessites un espai on realitzar un taller o seminari, una reunió, una presentació o fer algun petit esdeveniment ? Tea or Coffee pot ser el teu espai ideal!

SOAR School of awakening and recreating. Have a look to our new proposal

2024-06-10T15:23:57+02:0023/01/2024|Categories: About us, Notícies, Tea or Coffee, Tea or Coffee for Adults, Teens|

Estic molt feliç de presentar-vos un nou projecte en el qual he estat treballat durant aquests últims anys i per fi ja ha vist la llum i està tenint un gran acolliment. Deepika Bhoolabha, Directora

A Decade of Dreams: Celebrating 10 Years of Tea or Coffee School of English

2023-12-20T14:09:14+02:0020/12/2023|Categories: About us, Notícies|

A Decade of Dreams: Celebrating 10 Years of Tea or Coffee School of English Now that we are celebrating our 10 years and in these special dates... I've started to remember... How it all started...A decade ago, I embarked on a bold venture:Tea or Coffee School of English. I have never been afraid of taking [...]

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