Horaris d'atenció: Dilluns - Dijous: 9:30h - 19:30h i Divendres: 9:30h - 14:00h | 933.681.866|info@teaorcoffee.es

English Social Events

29/02/2024|Categories: Business Chat, Notícies, Tea or Coffee, Tea or Coffee for Adults|

Come and meet people from the neighbourhood and make connections in a fun and relaxed way. Improving English fluency and practicing through our Creative Networking Events is our new and improved project! And they’re open to students as well as non- students. Anyone who wants to connect with others in English, whether your objective is to practice the language in a social environment, make connections and practice English on a professional level, or meet people and get speaking on a personal level.

Sabies que pots llogar les aules i espais de Tea or Coffee School of English?

24/01/2024|Categories: About us, Business Chat, Kids, Notícies, Tea or Coffee, Tea or Coffee for Adults, Teens|

Necessites un espai on realitzar un taller o seminari, una reunió, una presentació o fer algun petit esdeveniment ? Tea or Coffee pot ser el teu espai ideal!

SOAR School of awakening and recreating. Have a look to our new proposal

23/01/2024|Categories: About us, Notícies, Tea or Coffee, Tea or Coffee for Adults, Teens|

Estic molt feliç de presentar-vos un nou projecte en el qual he estat treballat durant aquests últims anys i per fi ja ha vist la llum i està tenint un gran acolliment. Deepika Bhoolabha, Directora

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